Secondary Assessment Materials
Materials to support you and your colleagues in assessing students at KS3

The secondary Assessment Materials will support you and your colleagues in assessing students at KS3. They will enable you to make judgements on the degree to which students have mastered various components of the KS3 maths curriculum. This document follows the success of the primary assessment materials, published in 2015 and downloaded more than 1.3 million times in the first 19 months. The structure and layout is intended to be similar.
These materials offer examples of questions, tasks and activities mapped against the key mathematical skills and concepts within the KS3 Programme of Study. They may support both teaching and assessment. The activities offered are not intended to address every single statement in the National Curriculum. Rather, they attempt to highlight the key themes and big ideas.
You might also like to read this paper which takes a broader view of core themes of teaching for mastery in the secondary school context.
Please note: the link on this page takes you to a new version (November 2017) of the materials, which differ only slightly from the previous version (October 2017). The majority of changes in the new version are in formatting and style. The only maths-related changes are (i) on p7, where 10n has been changed to 10n; (ii) on p19, where the distance/time graph, and associated questions, have been changed; and (iii) on p9, where the wording of the second prime factorisation statement has been altered.