A Year 3 lesson on multiplication
A set of video clips from 2014/15 centred on one lesson, focusing on the 6-times-table

This set of video clips is centred on one lesson, focusing on the 6-times-table, in a Year 3 class at Two Mile Ash School, a large (six form entry) junior school in Milton Keynes. The school is one of 47 primary schools leading teaching for mastery work in the England-China project within the Maths Hubs programme.
The maths subject leader in the school visited Shanghai in September 2014, and in November 2014, two teachers from Shanghai spent three weeks in the school teaching mathematics to Year 3. Since then, the school has been keen to put into practice what they have learnt and develop a teaching for mastery approach to mathematics lessons.
We strongly recommend that, while watching the videos, you refer to this set of slides used by the teacher during the lesson and this practice sheet given to the pupils.
Accompanying resources
Lesson part 1
The class teacher, Sue Nuttall, gives the background to teaching for mastery at the school, and we see the first part of the lesson.
This video can also be watched on Vimeo, the video hosting site, where it is also possible to download a copy for your own use.
Lesson part 2
The lesson continues with missing number exercises, all linked to the 6-times-table
This video can also be watched on Vimeo, the video hosting site, where it is also possible to download a copy for your own use.
Lesson part 3
The lesson moves on with pupils discussing and explaining different visual representations of multiplication
This video can also be watched on Vimeo, the video hosting site, where it is also possible to download a copy for your own use.
Lesson part 4
The teacher leads pupils into finding links between the 6- and the 3-times-tables
This video can also be watched on Vimeo, the video hosting site, where it is also possible to download a copy for your own use.
Same day intervention and intelligent practice
The teacher explains how the school organises same-day intervention and we see it take place after this lesson
This video can also be watched on Vimeo, the video hosting site, where it is also possible to download a copy for your own use.
Interview with school’s curriculum leader
An interview with Linda Kelly, the curriculum leader for mathematics at Two Mile Ash School.
This video can also be watched on Vimeo, the video hosting site, where it is also possible to download a copy for your own use.