Mathematical Prompts for Deeper Thinking videos
Videos showing a teacher working with small groups of students from her Year 8 class

Each video on this page is accompanied by a set of PowerPoint slides which are available below the videos.
The slides and videos combined are designed to act as a catalyst for teachers to work together in identifying and thinking about an aspect of students’ mathematical understanding.
Although the focus of these materials is the maths, you might also notice the ways in which the teacher supports and challenges the students. You may like to reflect with colleagues on how you would respond to students if in a similar situation, what would you do that’s the same, and what would you do differently?
All nine videos can be found in the playlist below. Click CC for subtitles. If you wish to download any of the videos, you can do so from the Vimeo showcase.
PowerPoint Downloads
The starting points in the videos are extracted from the NCETM Secondary Mastery Professional Development Materials.
NOTE: these videos were filmed before the 2020 school closures.