Mastery Specialists in GCSE Resit and Functional Skills
The NCETM plans a new programme to train specialists in teaching maths up to Level 2 to post-16 students

The NCETM is expanding its role into the area of GCSE resit and Functional Skills maths. Working together with Maths Hubs, the NCETM is designing a range of professional development support for those who teach maths up to Level 2 to post-16 students, and for the departments where they work.
The first step will be to start training Mastery Specialists in this area of maths teaching—mirroring the programmes that have led to around a thousand active Primary and Secondary Mastery Specialists supporting teachers of lower age-groups. The first cohort, in this new area of teacher and school/college support, will begin their programme in 2023/24. A small pilot group will start work during the 2023 summer term.
As with the existing Teaching for Mastery Programme in the primary and secondary phases, the new specialists will lead the development of a mastery approach to maths teaching and learning within their own institutions. Collaboration with colleagues in other colleges and schools who offer similar provision will be a core feature of the programme.
Underpinning all the work will be NCETM’s Essence of Mathematics Teaching for Mastery principles, which, in time, will be exemplified with a specific FE focus, informed by the research and development carried out by the Centres for Excellence in Maths (CfEM) project. The NCETM is currently collaborating with CfEM project leadership to ensure smooth transition of this research.
The eventual aim of the new stream of work is to have an accredited specialist in every Further Education institution that enrols students onto a compulsory maths course of one sort or another.
In parallel to this, our partner organisation, MEI, has an extensive and complementary package of professional development aimed at the same FE and school-based post-16 workforce.
Leading both strands of work is Emma Bell, the NCETM’s Director for Post-16 GCSE/Functional Skills Qualifications (FSQ) and MEI’s Programme Leader for Post-16 GCSE/FSQ Professional Development.
During the current academic year (2022/23) there’s a range of free professional development activities for the 16-19 teaching workforce (including GCSE resit) offered by Maths Hubs. Many of these opportunities remain open during the autumn term.