Maths Hubs CPD for 2024/25 now available
Over 30 projects offer professional development for schools and teachers

Details of the new opportunities for schools to work with Maths Hubs and the NCETM in 2024/25 are now available. Whatever your current position, there’s something for your own professional development or to develop maths teaching across your department or school. NCETM and Maths Hubs CPD projects are for teachers of maths in all school and college phases, from Early Years to post-16.
DOWNLOAD: To learn more about the projects themselves and who can take part, download this year’s catalogue.
All the CPD is fully funded, and in some cases, there is extra financial support to subsidise teachers’ time out of class. In most cases, participating in a project will involve joining a Work Group – a small, local group of teachers, led by an expert in maths-specific professional development. The Work Group meets and collaborates regularly – both face-to-face and online – over the course of a term or a year. In between sessions, participants will try out new approaches in their own classrooms, and start to develop effective approaches to maths teaching in their schools.
As in previous years, the majority of projects centre on teaching for mastery, helping teachers and schools introduce and embed the approach in their curriculum and pedagogy. There are also complementary projects looking at specialist knowledge for teaching maths – with opportunities for both teachers and TAs – as well as projects for teachers of Core Maths, A level Maths, and those who teach Level 2 Maths at post-16.
New for 2024/25 is Securing Foundations at Year 7. This is a project for teachers whose Year 7 students may not have met age-related expectations in Year 6, and need additional support to become confident mathematicians in KS3 and beyond.
EXPLORE: To see all the projects available and discuss options with your colleagues, visit What Maths Hubs are doing.
To find out which projects are available to you locally and sign up, contact your local Maths Hub.