Introduction to the DfE KS3 Maths Guidance
An interview with the main author and an early user

Mathematics Guidance: Key Stage 3 was published by the DfE in September 2021, but how much have teachers and departments managed to read and familiarise themselves with it? And how can it be used to support teaching in secondary schools? This interview explores the guidance and how it might be used, with Carol Knights who led the writing of it, and Carrie Martin, who is beginning to use it with the schools in her MAT.
Show notes
Taking part in the discussion are:
- Carol Knights, NCETM Director for secondary
- Carrie Martin, Senior Network Leader of Maths, Cabot Learning Federation, SW England
- Steve McCormack, NCETM Communications Director.
Episode Chapters
- 01:57 The structure of the guidance
- 02:25 The introductory section
- 03:42 The sample curriculum framework
- 05:40 What’s in the main body of the guidance
- 07:47 Making links to KS2
- 09:50 Ideas for use in the classroom
- 10:30 Using the guidance to review your KS3 curriculum
- 12:48 How the guidance is being used in Carrie’s MAT
- 14:25 Using the guidance without using the suggested sequencing of topics
- 22:10 Tips for navigating the guidance
- 23:04 How the guidance helps busy KS3 teachers know about KS2 maths.
Useful links
Information about the KS3 Guidance on the NCETM website
NCETM KS3 Mastery Professional Development Materials
NCETM exemplified Key Ideas: in PowerPoint files useful for the classroom
NCETM Checkpoints: Year 7 classroom activities to assess prior learning from KS2