What are the benefits of being a Primary Mastery Specialist?
Leanne Casey tells us about her experiences of becoming a Mastery Specialist

How do you become a Mastery Specialist? What are the personal and professional benefits? How can you have impact in your own school? And what happens when your skills take you even further? Leanne Casey tells us about her experiences.
Show notes
Taking part in the discussion are:
- Leanne Casey, Primary Mastery Specialist and Deputy Head at St. Michael’s CE Primary School in Bedworth, Coventry (a two-form entry primary school)
- Beth Goodliff, NCETM Communications Officer
This podcast complements the Mastery Specialist information in our Maths Hubs section.
Episode chapters
- 00:45 – How Leanne became a Mastery Specialist
- 04:10 – Starting to work with other schools
- 05:45 – Getting buy-in from headteacher
- 07:20 – The context of Leanne’s school and its maths performance
- 09:00 – Convincing class teachers, even though maths results were good
- 14:15 – Keeping the mastery momentum going
- 17:30 – Embedding newly appointed teachers
- 20:45 – How Leanne has benefited personally
- 23:00 – Working on mastery with a different Maths Hub, in London
- 27:40 – Advice for a teacher considering applying to train as a Mastery Specialist
If you are interested in becoming a Mastery Specialist, contact your local Maths Hub. They will tell you when the next recruitment window opens, and how to apply.