Primary Mastery Professional Development
Primary materials that will assist you in your professional development and enable you to deliver teaching for mastery with confidence

Your subject knowledge is key to successful teaching for mastery, as well as your understanding of the learning steps required, and the order of those steps. We have designed these materials with this in mind. They will assist you in your professional development and enable you to deliver teaching for mastery with confidence.
We’ve split the curriculum up into a small number of areas – we call these ‘spines’ –
Spine 1: Number, Addition and Subtraction,
Spine 2: Multiplication and Division and
Spine 3: Fractions.
Each spine is composed of a number of segments, and we’ve provided a recommended teaching sequence for segments across the three spines.
An explanation of the structure of these materials, with guidance on how teachers can use them, is contained in a Getting Started video we’ve put together for you.
Unlike a textbook scheme they are not designed to be directly lifted and used as teaching materials. The materials can support teachers to develop their subject and pedagogical knowledge and so help to improve mathematics teaching in combination with other high-quality resources, such as textbooks.
You can find out how one primary school is using the materials in this article.
In addition to the materials themselves, we have also interviewed a range of teachers who have been using the materials, and they tell us how it is going.